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【药品名称】 止咳宁嗽胶囊
【成    份】 桔梗、荆芥、百部、紫菀(制)、白前(制)、前胡、款冬花(蜜炙)、麻黄(蜜炙)、陈皮、苦杏仁(炒)、防风。
【性    状】 本品为胶囊剂,内容物为棕褐色的颗粒;味微甜、苦。
【功能主治】 疏风散寒,宣肺解表,镇咳祛痰。用于风寒咳嗽,呕吐,咽喉肿痛等症。
【规    格】 0.25g×36粒/盒
【用法用量】 口服,一次4~6粒,一日2~3次。
【不良反应】 少数患者有一过性发热,偶见皮疹。
【禁    忌】 风湿性心脏病、支气管哮喘和支气管炎患者禁用。
【贮  藏】 密封
【有 效 期】 24个月
【批准文号】 国药准字Z22022111
Zhike Ningsou Jiaonang
【Name of Drug】 Zhike Ningsou Jiaonang
【Ingredients】 Jiegeng (Platycodon Grandiflorum), Jingjie (Schizonepetae Tenufoliae), Baibu (Radix Stemonae), Ziyuan (Prepared Radix Asteris), Baiqian (Prepared Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii), Qianhu (Radix Peucedani), Kuandonghua (honey prepared) (Flos Farfarae), Mahuang (honey prepared) (Herba Ephedrae), Chenpi (Citri Reticulatae), Kuxingren (baked) (Semen Armeniacae Amarum), Fangfeng (Radix Saposhnikoviae Divaricatae)
【Characteristics】 This product is capsule preparation and the filler is brown granules, slight sweet and bitter in flavor.
【Function and Indication】 Expel wind and cold, disperse lung qi and relieve the exterior, stop cough and resolve phlegm. It is applied to the treatment of cough, vomiting, sore throat, etc.
【Specification】 0.25g×36capules/box
【Usage and Dosage】 Oral application,4-6capsules each time, 2~3 times a day
【Adverse Reaction】 Few patients may have transient fever and skin rashes occasionally
【Contraindication】 It is prohibited for rheumatic heart disease, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
1. Avoid spicy and greasy food.
2. The product is suitable for cough due to wind and cold, manifested as strong cough, shortness of breath, thin and white sputum, and associated with nasal obstruction and clear running nose.
3. It is required the guide of doctor in application for the patient with bronchiectasis, pulmonary abscess, pulmonary cardiac disease, pulmonary tuberculosis and asthma.
4. The patient should stop taking the drug if no improvement after three days of medication and should see a doctor.
5. The patient should visit a doctor if having high fever over 38oC, or asthmatic breathing, aggravated cough, apparent increasing of sputum during medication.
6. The product is used cautiously if patient has hypertension and heart disease.
7. The product is not suitable to be taken for long term and is used cautiously for children, pregnant women and those of weak constitution.
8. The product is prohibited for allergic case and is used cautiously for the one of allergic constitution.
9. The product is prohibited to be used when the characteristics of it change.
10. It is required to use the product with the supervision of adult for children.
11. Please place the product far from children.
12. Please consult doctor or pharmacist before use of the product if other drug is applied at same time.
【Storage】 Sealing
【Validity】 24 months
【Approval Number】 National Pharmaceutical Approval Number Z22022111
【Manufacturing Enterprise】 Jilin Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Limited Company
【Address】 Botanic Garden, Wanwanchuan, Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Efficacy and Characteristics:
The product acts on expelling wind and cold, dispersing lung qi and relieving the exterior, stopping cough and resolving phlegm. It is characterized as:
1. Adjuvant drug for tumor. It provides adjuvant efficacy on lung carcinoma and metastatic pulmonary carcinoma.
2. Treatment of carcinoma complications. It is applied to the treatment of chest distress, chest pain, cough, expectoration and blood-stained sputum induced by lung carcinoma and metastatic pulmonary carcinoma.
3. Anti-inflammation. It is used for the treatment of cough due to wind cold, asthma, asthmatic breathing, sore throat, etc.

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